Mitzvah Games (That Are Actually Fun!) - Cocktail Hour
At a bar/bat mitzvah, the party may seem like the best part of the night. And don’t get us wrong, as a mitzvah entertainment company, we love the dancing, dinner, and party games, but cocktail hour is where family and friends come together, get to know each other, and that's truly where the fun begins.
Photo Credit: Jen Davis Photography
Not everyone at a bar/bat mitzvah may know each other and that’s okay! That is what we’re there for! We believe that cocktail hour is a great opportunity for our team to not only get to know our guests but to also allow them to get to know each other through games. Below are a few of our favorite cocktail games, that we think do this best!
1. Poster Drop
You may be able to guess what you have to do in this game, just from the name itself! In poster drop, a member of our team holds a rolled-up poster in both hands and as they drop it, the kids try to catch the poster before it touches the ground. It may sound easy but it’s harder than it looks and is a great way to get the kids laughing, active, and ready for what’s in store for the rest of the night! This is a favorite of ours to start the night with, because it allows our team to go from group to group, engaging with our guests one at a time, getting to know each of them a bit better.
Photo Credit: Jen Davis Photography
2. Human Knot
Once a popular Tik Tok, this game involves teamwork, communication, and is guaranteed to create laughter and a few silly moments along the way. The rules are simple, a rope is tied and interlocked to you and your partner’s hands, untangle yourselves without removing your hands from the rope. We believe this game is best when played with someone that the kids may not know so that they can bond through working together and carry that with them through the rest of the night!
3. Levitation
This one may sound a little silly, but trust us, it’s one of our favorites for that reason! Everyone playing sits in a chair, turns to their side, and leans back onto the person next to them. As they are doing this, our team goes around and starts removing chairs until there are none left and the kids are all “levitating”. It’s a fun one to play but it may be even more fun to watch, as eventually one of the kids falls after their chair is removed, creating a domino effect that has everyone falling over and begging to try again!
4. Trivia
This interactive trivia game is a great way to get everyone involved and let the kids use their phones one last time before the party starts, getting it out of their system! With so many kids, trivia is still easy to manage through Kahoot, a site that allows us to ask questions about the guest of honor, have all the kids answer at once, and display the correct answer on the big screen for everyone to see. Trivia is a fun way to find out “who knows the guest of honor best”, allowing the kids to compete and get back to the focus of the night - the guest of honor!
Photo Credit: John Carlos Borja Productions
At Xtreme Event Group, we believe having a fun and engaging cocktail hour where everyone can get involved is so important if you want to start the night off right! And as we’ve shown here, a great way to do that is through playing bar/bat mitzvah games.
If you’d like to learn more about the games, bar mitzvah activities, and other entertainment that we can offer at your child’s event, schedule a call with one of our experts today!